The Santa Cruz Community Calendar
Santa Cruz County, California
Tuesday, October 8, 2024
The California Environmental Protection Agency (CalEPA) and the California Air Resources Board (CARB) invite you to participate in a public webinar to kick off the development of California's Comprehensive Climate Action Plan (CCAP), a key deliverable under U.S. EPA's Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Program.
As a CPRG Planning Grant recipient, and alongside most states, Tribal Nations, territories and dozens of metro areas across the U.S., California is developing its CCAP to submit to the U.S. EPA in the fall of 2025. The CCAP will leverage California's extensive work to date on climate planning and policy, including the Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP)submitted to the U.S. EPA in March 2024 under the CPRG program. The CCAP will include all sources and sinks of greenhouse gases (GHGs), include the State's existing near- and long-term climate targets, provide actions across all sectors to deliver GHG reductions, and will address workforce, public health, economic and other considerations.
We invite all interested parties in the CPRG program and in California's efforts to fight climate change to join this kick-off webinar.
register: Link