The Santa Cruz Community Calendar
Santa Cruz County, California
Thursday, August 8, 2024
Hiroshima Week Vigil to End US Support of Violence in Gaza
August 5-9th, 10am-2pm
outside Rep. Jimmy Panetta's office, 3rd floor, County Building, 701 Ocean St, Santa Cruz.
details at Link
A time to express through our stories, art, music, and poetry our deepest desires for peace and justice,
while we shine the light of accountability on Panetta's support for violence in Gaza.
Drop in when you can. Workshops include:
Tim Fitzmaurice: Poetry Writing
Caren Camblin: Social Justice
Jean Morrison: Nonviolent Communication
Michael Levy & Rick Longinotti: Talking to Friends & Family about Israel/Palestine
See workshop schedule at Link
Inquiries: info@panetta-vigil.org