The Santa Cruz Community Calendar
Santa Cruz County, California
Saturday, July 20, 2024
Join us in celebrating the bountiful harvest season with a four-course feast on the beautiful farm! Our Earliest Bird Tickets are on sale now through May 5!
We're delighted to showcase dishes created by accomplished Chef Reylon Agustin (pictured right), Director of Culinary at Post Ranch Inn and Sierra Mar in Big Sur.
In addition to the signature farm-to-table dinner, the event will feature live music, flavorful wine and local beverages, a farm tour and an engaging program of speakers, including our keynote speaker, Anne Kapuscinski.
We are thrilled to welcome Anne to speak on our guiding topic of sustainability, a subject she is an expert in as Director of UCSC's Coastal Sciences & Public Policy Program, as well as serving as Board Chair for the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Tickets: Link