The Santa Cruz Community Calendar

Santa Cruz County, California

Saturday, April 6, 2024

AI: Uses & Abuses

Opening: 10:00 AM
Main Event: 10:00 AM
End Time: 12:00 PM

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Our April forum looks at the growing impact of AI in our society. Topics include pending legislation related to AI and elections, the basics of AI and how it works as a language-learning tool, and issues at the intersection of AI/technology and human rights.

The program includes time for Q and A with the speakers.

Our speakers:

Gail Pellerin, Assemblymember, who will discuss her bill AB 2839: Elections: deceptive media in advertisements.

Benjamin Breen, Associate Professor of History, UC Santa Cruz, who will discuss how AI generates text-based content.

Roya Pakzad, Founder/Director of Taraaz, a nonprofit working at intersection of technology and human rights

Zoom: Link

Organizer: Democratic Women's Club

Event Location: Santa Cruz Police Dept Comm. Rm, 155 Center st

Contact Information:

Admission: No Charge