The Santa Cruz Community Calendar

Santa Cruz County, California

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Resilience and Possibility in These Times:

Opening: 1:00 PM
Main Event: 1:00 PM

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You're warmly invited to join two of Pachamama Alliance's founders, Lynne and Bill Twist, for the first Resilience and Possibility in These Times event of the year.

This is a gathering to learn firsthand about Pachamama Alliance's exciting new direction and insights for this year and beyond. Lynne and Bill will reveal what they see Pachamama Alliance's new role to be in these challenging times, and how we as an organization, and as individuals, can best leverage our creativity, commitment, and resources to make a meaningful impact at this critical moment. It's an opportunity to align our hearts and minds with living a committed life, guided by our love for the world and for life itself.

Link: Link

Organizer: Pachamama Alliance

Event Location: online

Contact Information:

Admission: No Charge