The Santa Cruz Community Calendar

Santa Cruz County, California

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Climate Restoration Event

Opening: 4:00 PM
Main Event: 4:00 PM

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Author and activist Sam Daley Harris will speak at the Founders Series hosted by the Foundation for Climate Restoration (F4CR).

Sam founded the citizen advocacy organization RESULTS, which unlocked policies to dramatically raise child survival rates worldwide. More recently, he trained members in media work and other types of advocacy in the Foundation's early days.

Sam has just published a completely revised edition of his book, Reclaiming Our Democracy: Every Citizen's Guide to Transformational Advocacy, and it couldn't be more relevant. While restoring our climate may not take a lot of funding, it won't happen without enabling policies, and that won't happen without effective education and advocacy.

Click here Wednesday at 4pm PT/ 7pm ET. Link

Organizer: Climate Restoration

Event Location: online

Contact Information:

Admission: No Charge