The Santa Cruz Community Calendar

Santa Cruz County, California

The Santa Cruz Community Calendar: Welcome

Thursday, May 27, 2021

Climate Justice Actions at Chase Bank

Opening: 3:00 PM
Main Event: 3:00 PM
End Time: 5:00 AM

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Join us for climate justice actions at Chase bank, at 3pm on the fourth Friday of every month. We will encourage people to move their money, and highlight the injustices of Chase's continued funding of new and expanded fossil fuel projects - see below for details. Actions may vary from month to month - see for examples and info.We need YOUR HELP to hand out flyers to drivers, people at the ATM's and people who pass by on the sidewalks. We also really need people who can take photos or video clips to help us spread the word on social media. So know that you are needed, together we make a difference, you may connect with someone that no-one else has. PLEASE feel free to bring friends.These actions in Santa Cruz were initiated by our local Extinction Rebellion affinity group (with organizing support from Novasutras), but they are open to all who feel called to stand up for climate justice. Whys & Wherefores Chase Bank is one of the largest funders of fossil fuel projects, including the Coastal GasLink pipeline and Line 3 Pipeline. Climate justice activists advocate that people move their money out of Chase Bank until it stops funding fossil fuel expansion projects like Coastal GasLink in Canada, Line 3 in Minnesota, and Keystone XL. Many of these projects go through indigenous lands without informed consent by indigenous communities. For instance, the Wet'suwet'en indigenous nation in British Columbia has called for solidarity actions across the world as they fight an illegal pipeline (Coastal GasLink) slated to cross their sovereign territories with funding, of course, primarily organized by CHASE Bank. COP26 highlighted the urgency of global responses to the climate crisis. The International Energy Agency has said our only pathway to limiting global warming to 1.5°C must include "no investment in new fossil fuel supply projects."

Location Accessibility: Parking

Contact Information:
Sponsor Email:
More Info At: Link

Admission: No Charge
Volunteer: Setup, photo, planning and pre-prep, video for social media